
Say goodbye to holiday stress

6 July 2023


The summer holidays are fast approaching. Although this period is meant to be relaxing, many people suffer from stress before they leave. Also getting nervous at the idea of going on holiday soon? Read our four tips for dealing with it.

What is holiday stress?

Holiday stress is the feeling of tension that a holiday period evokes in you. You have been working hard and have been living for ages towards a moment of ‘not having to do anything’. But before that happens, there are still a few things to take care of. Cue the infamous checklist: you still need to pack, check your accommodation and do a handover at work.

What causes holiday stress?

There are several causes of holiday stress, but most have to do with planning and organising your holiday. After all, you need to make a lot of arrangements before a holiday and that can be stressful. The financial side of a holiday also plays a role. Holidays are often expensive, and the impact of that can often create extra stress for some of us. Add to that the fact that you also have to hand over or take a break from work before you leave, and your stress levels skyrocket.

What can you do about it?

A holiday is meant to be enjoyed. The better you arrange it before you leave, the less stress you will have. It is also important to let go of any (high) expectations. Some suggestions to avoid holiday stress:

  1. Plan ahead: Start planning your holiday well in advance and arrange all the ‘details’ too. Make a checklist of all the things you need to buy, pack your suitcase on time and put all the necessary documents together. This way, you avoid having to do everything at the last minute.
  2. Fine-tune your work: Inform your colleagues of your holiday plans. Make a clear handover several days in advance and try to complete the most important tasks before your departure. This way, you will have more peace of mind on holiday and your colleagues will also know where they stand.
  3. Set a budget: Holidays make a big claim on your piggy bank. This can cause considerable stress. Therefore, plan in advance what you want to spend on your holiday and keep a little in reserve for unforeseen expenses. By setting the budget in advance, you won’t face any nasty surprises afterwards.
  4. Be realistic: Of course, a holiday is meant to be relaxing. But that doesn’t mean every day has to be absolutely perfect. A flat tyre, a delayed flight: remember that even on holiday, things sometimes go wrong. If you prepare yourself for that, you will feel a lot more relaxed.

Enjoy it!

The holidays are fast approaching. The perfect time to sit back in your camping chair or swim a few lengths in the pool at your hotel. This year, you will definitely succeed. Enjoy it!

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