
Integration of sustainability risks in investment decisions

Below we list how sustainability risks are integrated in the investment decisions of the various investment solutions:

The actively managed lifecycle

For BeFrank, the asset manager of the Active Lifecycle applies NN Group’s Responsible Investment Policy Framework (the VB Policy Framework). The VB Policy Framework describes the application of NN Group’s standards-based criteria for responsible investment. These criteria reflect the investment beliefs and values of NN Group, relevant legislation, and internationally recognised standards.

In line with this policy and the standards-based criteria for responsible investment, BeFrank aims to exclude investments in companies involved in activities such as, but not limited to, the development, production or maintenance of or trade in controversial weapons, the production of tobacco products, the extraction of thermal coal and/or the extraction of oil from tar sands.

The passively managed lifecycle

Within the Passive Lifecycle, ESG funds with a clear responsible investment policy are applied as much as possible. By applying restrictions, the asset manager takes into account the most important negative effects on environmental, social and governance factors. Restrictions are applied in the areas of:

  • UN Global Compact controversies in the areas of environment, human rights, labour, governance, and customer relations.
  • Production and distribution of tobacco and associated products
  • Weapons
  • Production and use of thermal coal
  • Governance

The Sustainable Lifecycle

In the Sustainable Lifecycle, underlying impact funds are applied with a clear policy aimed at making a positive contribution to the world. By applying selection for positive contribution and strict and comprehensive restrictions, the asset manager takes into account negative effects on environmental, social and governance factors. Strict and very extensive screening is carried out on a large number of themes, such as human rights, environment, weapons, agriculture, biodiversity, unsustainable products, etc.

DIY Investing

The range of investment possibilities within the Do It Yourself investment service includes a diversity of investment funds. No general policy for integrating sustainability risks into investment decisions applies here. Within the range, funds ranging from minimal to far-reaching policies for integrating sustainability risks are available.