Healthy in the workplace
8 November 2022
Most people have now settled into hybrid working. You may be going to the office more again now than in the recent pandemic years. You can also work on your health at the office. How do you get fit while working in the office? We have seven tips for you.
- Take the stairs at work instead of the lift. Even if you are in a hurry or carrying a heavy bag. And don’t just walk up the stairs, but also walk all the way down at the end of your day. This will make it easier to achieve your minimum exercise time of half an hour a day.
- Get off two stops before work or on your way home and walk the last stretch. Most smartphones come with a step counter. It shows you straight away what kind of impact it’s having.
- In the canteen, choose a salad instead of sandwiches at least twice a week. Go easy on the dressing and high-calorie extras like croutons. At the end of the afternoon, have a handful of nuts instead of something sweet; they provide more sustained energy. That’s great at the end of the day, and prevents cravings once you get home.
- After every hour at your computer, move for at least two minutes. Walk over to your colleague instead of e-mailing, or take a stroll to the coffee machine. Tip: set a timer or make sure you don’t overfill your water bottle so you have to fill it more often.
- At the coffee machine, opt for black coffee (without sugar!) or – preferably – caffeine-free tea more often. Or have a nettle or mint tea, for example, which is healthy and good for your body.
- Replace your office chair with a gym ball for a few hours a day. This encourages an active working posture. Or work at a sit-stand desk and stand regularly.
- Go for a walk during your lunchbreak. The days are starting to get shorter, so enjoy the daylight during your working day.
Tips for an employer
You can pass the tips directly on to your HR department. Or initiate it yourself.
- Provide fruit and vegetables in the workplace
- Organise a joint sports session once a week
- Establish a 15-minute meditation period
- Place plants in the office
- Help employees to quit smoking
How financially fit are you?
Besides a healthy life, you want a healthy pension. By staying aware of the pension market and react to it in a flexible way, we keep your pension in top condition. Do you already have a pension scheme with BeFrank? Then you can see how your pension is doing on your Personal Pension page. Here you will also find the most important updates. Do you not have a pension scheme with BeFrank yet? Ask your employer about the possibilities.