
The use of your personal pension page

These terms of use apply to the use of your personal pension page at BeFrank. You can log in both via and via the BeFrank app ‘My pension’.

You have insight into your pension at BeFrank on your personal pension page. You can also see what happens in the event of your passing away or occupational disability. Have you already checked whether BeFrank invests for you in accordance with the risk profile that is appropriate for you? Complete the profile selector to check this.

Latest version of browser and app

In order to use your personal pension page, it is important for your computer or smartphone to be up to date. This will ensure that all information is displayed correctly and your pension page works optimally. And much more importantly: the newest version often also offers better security technologies. Therefore, check regularly whether your browser and operating system have been updated to the latest version. You can expect us to ensure that our software is as secure as possible.

Your personal pension page and the app are always ready for you. We explain all about your pension there as clearly as we can. But we cannot avoid documenting a number of agreements. We call these the terms of use.


Your personal pension page is provided by BeFrank PPI NV (below: BeFrank). BeFrank has been active in the group pension market since 2011 and is the first premium pension institution (PPI) in the Netherlands. BeFrank offers an online pension, straightforward communications and innovative services. It is part of NN Group.

Login details

The e-mail address that you use to receive communications from BeFrank is the log-in name for your personal pension page. You must create the password yourself; the password must comply with a number of considerations from a security perspective. Your personal pension page is only intended for you. You are accordingly responsible yourself for managing your access details. You can access your personal pension page and install the app on various devices. All devices that you use are subject to these terms of use.

Displaying information

Your personal pension page is not intended to provide advice as referred to in the Financial Supervision Act. Gross and/or net amounts are shown in various places. We ensure that account is always taken of the latest version of tax laws in the calculations from gross to net amounts. If you want to check this yourself, you should use the white withholding tax table (witte loonheffingstabel), which is available on the website of the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration, the Belastingdienst.


The contents of the personal pension page and the other equipment necessary for displaying the information are protected by copyright and trademark rights. These belong to BeFrank. You can only copy, share, exploit parts of it or use them in another way if you have received permission prior to use. If you do not comply with this requirement, BeFrank reserves the right to withdraw access. Naturally, we invite you to view your personal pension page as often as you wish.

Privacy & Security

The BeFrank Privacy Statement applies to the use of your personal pension page. This states which data we require for the performance of the pension agreement and how we handle the processing of your personal data. In doing so, BeFrank complies with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation.

Do not use the BeFrank app and (information on) your personal pension page without authorisation or without due care. Unauthorised use includes, for instance, the use of someone else’s data. You can delete the app from your own devices yourself. If you suspect that someone else is using your personal pension page and can access your data, notify us immediately. BeFrank will then block access to your pension page.


If you are not satisfied with our services, please let us know. We will make sure we find a solution together. The easiest way is to telephone BeFrank’s customer service department, which can be reached on +31 (0)20-5621100. You can of course also always send us an e-mail via If we cannot jointly resolve the matter to your satisfaction, you can submit your complaint to the Financial Services Complaints Tribunal (Klachteninstituut Financiële Dienstverlening) ( The address is Stichting Klachteninstituut Financiële Dienstverlening, Postbus 93257, 2509 AG, The Hague. If you have a complaint about how BeFrank handles your personal information, you can also report this to BeFrank. You can also submit a complaint to the Dutch Personal Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens).

Amendments of the terms of use

We can amend the terms of use of your personal pension page at any time. If we do so, we will inform you of this via your personal pension page. If you do not accept the amended terms, you will no longer have access.


BeFrank PPI NV compiles the information on your personal pension page with great care and aims to ensure that all information is always accurate. Unfortunately, information published by BeFrank PPI NV may sometimes prove to be incomplete and/or incorrect. BeFrank PPI NV cannot be held liable for this. Your personal pension page is regularly supplemented and/or modified. BeFrank PPI NV reserves the right to implement any changes with immediate effect and without any (prior) notice.

BeFrank PPI NV does whatever it can to display information in a clear and understandable manner. You will therefore see gross and net amounts, information about investments and projections relating to future benefits on your personal pension page. For the purpose of determining those amounts, use is made of calculation rules, notional interest rates and tax and other laws and regulations applying at the present time. Changes may occur in these laws and regulations. Therefore, no rights can be derived from the amounts and/or forecasts shown on your personal pension page.

Information that BeFrank provides about investments or on legal or tax matters never constitutes advice as referred to in the Financial Supervision Act. It relates to your income for the future, and we therefore advise you to consult a certified pension adviser to check the information shown and the consequences for your personal/financial situation. BeFrank endeavours to ensure that you always have access to your personal pension page and that it always works. Despite our continual efforts, we cannot guarantee that your personal pension page will always work perfectly.