
Survivor’s Pension Assistance nominated for PensioenWegwijzer Award

24 October 2024


Every year, an independent jury, on the initiative of Wijzer in geldzaken, presents the PensioenWegwijzer Award. This award is for initiatives that help people improve their insight into their pension and to take action. This year, BeFrank made it to the final with its Survivor’s Pension Assistance.

BeFrank’s mission is to bring pensions closer to the people. In addition to the retirement pension, the Future of Pensions Act (Wet toekomst pensioenen, Wtp) also amends the surviving dependants’ pension. That is why we have developed a tool to provide participants with the best possible guidance on the choices that arise in the surviving dependants’ pension.

Insight and choices

The Survivor’s Pension Assistance provides an overview of all arrangements made by the employer for the surviving dependants and the additional choices the participants can make themselves. We also show the effect of a combination of insurance policies and provide additional information where necessary. This helps us to anticipate a new legal standard to allow participants to make appropriate choices, in other words: choice guidance.


By making pensions personal, we can also give pensions a personal touch. For that purpose, participants enter the first names of their partner and children in the Survivor’s Pension Assistance. This allows them to see exactly what arrangements have been made for each family member.

The final

The final of the PensioenWegwijzer 2024 Award will be held on 12 November when a jury award and a public award will be presented. The other nominees are APG/bpfBouw, Prikkl/RAS and Shell.