Shipping company Anthony Veder chooses BeFrank as pension administrator
23 February 2015

At February 10th Jan Valkier, CEO of Anthony Veder Group, signed a pension contract for its employees at BeFrank.
Jan Valkier: ”Pension is fun again! It used to be a black box, but now you can see exactly what is happening with the premium and you will have instant influence on your future pension. BeFrank lives up to its name. Clear, predictable and very pleasant in the negotiation and execution. We look forward to a long-term collaboration.”
About Anthony Veder
Anthony Veder Group was established in 1937 as a ship-owner and port agent. Ever since acquiring its first gas tanker in 1969, the company has been involved in gas shipping. As an integrated shipping company, it aims to develop long-term customer relationships by offering a safe, reliable and flexible service through a wide range of high quality gas carriers. The group is involved in all segments of the gas market, from CO2 to ethylene and from LPG to LNG. Furthermore, it provides comprehensive and efficient technical and commercial ship management services to third parties.