
Risk preference survey for BeFrank and Nationale-Nederlanden

In the first quarter of 2025, BeFrank and Nationale-Nederlanden will conduct an extensive survey into the risk preference of defined contribution (DC) pension scheme participants. This means that we will look at which pension investment policy suits our participants to help us to better align our pensions with their wishes.

Why we are conducting this survey

There are various risk levels when investing pension capital. The appropriate risk level varies from person to person. The survey will focus on determining the risk that participants want and are able to run (their risk preference) during the pension accrual and pension benefit phases. We are required by law to review this periodically. Using the outcomes of the survey, we can make sure that our investment policy is as closely aligned with the wishes of our participants as possible. This is important, because our investment policy determines our lifecycles.

Why we are partnering with Triple A for this

BeFrank and Nationale-Nederlanden will not conduct this survey alone. We will do this together with consultancy firm Triple A. This firm will help us use advanced tooling that is necessary for optimal question setting. In addition, Triple A guarantees that the privacy of participants is well protected: the outcomes of the survey that Triple A will share with us cannot be traced back to individual participants.

Which participants will be asked to take part in the survey?

For a solid survey with reliable analyses and conclusions, it is important that many participants take part. However, participation will be entirely voluntary, and not everyone we approach will want to participate. It will therefore be necessary to draw on a large part of our database of participants for this survey.

Participants will be selected completely at random. This is to guarantee an independent and reliable survey. As a result, however, it is practically impossible to give an insight into exactly which participants will be approached prior to the survey, nor is it possible to exclude participants manually.

How we will protect personal data

BeFrank and Triple A will handle the data with great care. BeFrank will provide the necessary contact and pension data to Triple A through a secure connection. In return, Triple A will only provide anonymised research data to BeFrank. The answers will be processed in strict confidence and cannot be traced back to individual participants.

Triple A will process the data of participants for the purposes of this survey only and will delete them when the survey has been completed. Naturally, it will stick closely to the GDPR and BeFrank’s privacy regulations. These are stated in BeFrank’s privacy statement: Privacy statement – BeFrank.

How participants can take part in the survey

Participants who have been selected will receive an e-mail from the sender This will contain an invitation to take part in the survey, with a link to the online survey on the Triple A website.

Where participants can find out more about the survey

In the invitation e-mail, we will refer you to for more information about the survey. If you have any questions about this survey, you can contact For all other questions about pensions at BeFrank, you can contact our customer service department.