
Looking back on the BeFrank Jubilee Event about sustainability

21 June 2022


Tuesday 14 June was the day we could finally meet our customers and advisors in person again at the BeFrank Jubilee Event. The aim was to catch up, celebrate our tenth anniversary and treat our guests to an inspiring afternoon. We succeeded. With an 8.5 report score, we can look back on this afternoon with pride!

At BeFrank, we work towards a sustainable future every day. The theme of our anniversary year and our anniversary event was sustainability. What can you do about this in relation to your pension solution? Oscar van Zadelhoff – Strategic Product Manager at BeFrank – explained during the afternoon. There is a huge amount of money in pensions, so you can make a massive impact. BeFrank is working hard to make its investments more sustainable. And through voting and engagement, we increasingly influence the companies we invest in with the help of our asset managers. Oscar offered a sneak preview of the extension to the employer portal, which also shows the footprint of investments and savings.

CO2 compensation through high-tech reforestation
BeFrank is also the only pension insurer that offers a carbon-neutral pension scheme. In this scheme, the residual emissions from the investments are compensated through the planting of trees on depleted land. Jacqueline Oomen and Anne-Claire Vernede of Land Life Company, our partner in this solution, showed us how this is done. Advanced technology and data are being used to restore ecosystems and biodiversity.

A sustainable customer shares its story: Rituals
Since last year, Rituals has been B-Corp certified. This is the highest standard in the field of social and sustainable business. Irene Vernie, HR Director at Rituals, has been involved in this transition from the HR perspective. She demonstrated how they approached the issue and HR’s role therein. The company values and the Rituals brand play a crucial role in this. There is a focus on the people and ‘rituals’.

What does BeFrank actually do?
Our enthusiastic Office Manager Joy Hofman guided the audience through the actions that BeFrank and BeFrank employees take to contribute, from no longer using cardboard cups in the office to picking litter and from sharing sustainability tips to realising a fully circular office. In essence, it all comes down to making conscious choices. We did exactly that for this event: reusing materials as much as possible, sustainable catering, sustainable gifts but also, for example, making the entire event CO2-neutral. Many guests praised Joy’s enthusiasm and passion for this theme.

Sustainability and job satisfaction
Thijs Lindhout is a much sought-after speaker on happiness and success. He has been researching what makes people happy in life and at work for more than ten years. and is also a successful entrepreneur and founder of the Sustainable Advisors. He combined these two topics for this afternoon. How does sustainability connect into happiness? And what can you do about it? An inspiring story!

Pension market developments
A Jubilee event is incomplete without looking back on ten years of BeFrank. So much has changed in ten years, from start-up to grown-up. Jan Hein Rhebergen, Commercial Director of BeFrank, took the audience through the highlights and developments in the pension market. We are on the eve of the introduction of a new pensions system. Which choices should you make as an employer? Jan Hein explained this using four clear steps. To give customers additional insight, we developed a selection tool that will soon go live. He also looked to the future and thanked both customers and advisors for ten years of trust in BeFrank!