Use of the BeFrank employer portal is subject to the following terms and conditions. By clicking the log in button, the user declares that they have taken note of the terms and conditions and accept them. Users are therefore bound by the terms and conditions set. Users may access the employer portal only after this acceptance.
- BeFrank, which in these terms and conditions of use refers to BeFrank NV and BeFrank PPI NV, allows its business relations (including insurance intermediaries, administrative offices and employers) to use the services and information available through the employer portal.
- BeFrank decides whether a business relation should be given access to the employer portal. BeFrank may at all times withdraw this permission or interrupt this service.
- The employer shall designate a contact person who will have access to the employer portal on the employer’s behalf. This contact person is hereinafter referred to as ‘the user’.
- The user declares that he or she shall only use the employer portal in accordance with the purpose for which it is provided. The user declares that he or she is authorised, in accordance with the intended purpose – which is the notification of changes to the existing employee files and/or the commencement or termination of employment of employees – to exchange personal information relating to employees with BeFrank by means of the employer portal.
- Changes notified by the user to BeFrank via the employer portal are legally valid without a signature of the employee whose changes are being processed being necessary for the processing of personal data. It is the user’s responsibility to have his or her authority to effect changes via the employer portal recorded in writing in cases in which this is necessary due to the legal relationship between the user and other persons.
- To provide access to the employer portal, BeFrank will allocate a user name and a (temporary) password to the user. The user will be requested to change their password after logging in for the first time. The user shall be responsible for exercising due care with respect to their user name and password.
- On termination of the user’s employment, or any other reason that entails withdrawal of the user’s authority to use the employer portal, the employer shall be obliged to notify BeFrank accordingly without delay.
If BeFrank becomes aware of circumstances whereby the user’s authority to access the employer portal should be withdrawn, BeFrank shall notify the employer accordingly. The employer shall in such case make every effort to deny the user further access to the employer portal. If losses are incurred by BeFrank or by third parties as a result of the employer or the user failing to comply with this obligation, such losses shall be for the account of the employer.
Abuse of data
- Any losses arising from misuse by the employer and/or the user of information that is consulted, changed, downloaded or otherwise obtained via the employer portal shall be for the account of the employer. The employer indemnifies BeFrank against any liability.
- We have also posted a privacy statement, of which the user and the employer are expressly urged to take note.