BeFrank wins the Pensioenwegwijzer 2019
14 November 2019

BeFrank is delighted to announce that it has won the Pensioenwegwijzer 2019! We’re naturally incredibly proud of this achievement. ‘Wijzer in Geldzaken’ awards the Pensioenwegwijzer, a prize in the financial sector for organisations that make decisions regarding pension easier to take. We were awarded the prize for our Activation Method. This is not really a method, but simply BeFrank’s philosophy of being truly close to our participants.
So, what is the Activation Method? We give new participants a warm welcome with a personal video and by being truly close to them. We literally help our participants to get over the pension barrier, we activate them in the BeFrank Smoothie Bar, or we offer a cooling fresh ice cream on a hot day. We make every effort to activate our participants. And it works! Log-in rates of over 70% are now the rule, not the exception. We also encourage employers to help us activate their employees, for example by agreeing a target log-in rate. Because we cannot activate on our own, we do this together with the employer! We also believe that the whole of the Netherlands should be activated. Recently we organised the National BeFit Day, encouraging people across the country to skip for a fit retirement.
Original gadget that has been really well designed
Martin Flier, Director of Labour Relations at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, awarded the prize on behalf of the Money Wise platform to our champions Hanneke Geluk and Joffry Musch. “After the jury members had reached an independent ranking, there were two finalists left: a.s.r. and BeFrank. The jury council had to make the final decision. An enthusiastic presentation, the good combination of online and offline contact with the participants, the use of the employer’s confidentiality position in relation to participants and the really well-designed original gadgets won the day.”
Confirmation of the approach
“Obviously, we are absolutely delighted to win this prize,” said Jan Hein Rhebergen, director at BeFrank. “This confirms that our approach works and is appreciated, by our clients and now also by a professional jury. This motivates us to try even harder! A log-in rate of 70% is already very high in our business, but of course there is always room for improvement. Ultimately we want to see everyone get to grips with their pension. That’s what we are here for.”