
Adverse effects of decisions on sustainability

Below, you can read how BeFrank takes into account adverse effects of investment decisions on sustainability factors for each investment solution.

The actively managed lifecycle

In the Active Lifecycle, the asset manager applies NN Group’s Responsible Investment Policy Framework (the VB Policy Framework). This ensures that the main negative impacts on environmental, social and governance factors are taken into account. The VB Policy Framework promotes the systematic integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into the investment process. As a result, both risks and opportunities are managed. We recognise that fully taking into account the main negative impacts is a step-by-step process that we will continuously improve.

The asset managers of NN Group apply those elements of the VB Policy Framework that are consistent with their fiduciary duties and the investment guidelines for the fund.

The passively managed lifecycle

In the Passive Lifecycle, ESG funds with a clear responsible investment policy are applied as much as possible. By applying restrictions, the asset manager takes into account the most important negative effects on environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors.

The Sustainable Lifecycle

In the Sustainable Lifecycle, underlying impact funds are applied with a clear policy aimed at making a positive contribution to the world. By applying selection for positive contribution and strict and comprehensive restrictions, the asset manager takes into account negative effects on environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors.

DIY Investing

The range of investment possibilities within the Do It Yourself investment service includes a diversity of investment funds. No general policy for preventing adverse effects on sustainability factors applies here. Within the range, the funds that are available to choose from vary from a minimal to an extensive way of taking into account the adverse effects of investment decisions on sustainability factors.