Published: 21 September 2021
BeFrank is continually working on improving the service. We not only pay attention to feasibility and online convenience, but also to providing new choices for you and your employees. BeFrank recently started offering a new option for additional contributions. You can read more about it on this page.
Standard additional contribution for all employees
Employees often already have the option of voluntarily paying an additional premium as their own contribution. This can be either monthly or as a one-off contribution. What’s new is that you will now have your employees make an additional contribution to their pension every month as standard. The employee therefore does not choose to make additional contributions him/herself. It will be possible to unsubscribe from this.
Benefits for both employer and employee
• As an employer, you won’t pay any employer’s contributions on the additional amounts paid
• The additional contribution will be deducted from the gross salary, so the employee pays less income tax
• Greater chance of your employees receiving higher pension benefits
Changing pension scheme
However, if you want to use this option, it is necessary for you to modify the pension scheme for this. Or for you to include this extra option in the scheme when extending the pension contract with BeFrank. Please contact a/your pension adviser or e-mail us at if you want to discuss the possibilities.
What are the further steps?
When this option is included in the pension scheme, all* employees receive communication from BeFrank. This clearly states what additional contribution they will automatically invest as their own contribution. Of course, employees are given the option to waive extra contributions.
* employees who already invest more additional contribution than the amount determined by the employer are excluded. They do not receive this communication and continue to invest the amount that they have chosen themselves.
Opting out or changing on the personal pension page
Employees who do not wish to make an additional contribution can simply indicate this on their personal pension page. They can also choose a different amount as an additional contribution when they opt out. On their personal pension page, your employees can see how extra contributions will affect their final pension benefits.
Please note that if an employee does not respond, he or she will automatically start paying the additional contribution. Of course, this is clearly stated in the communication to your employees. The amount will be deducted from the gross salary. It is possible to stop after a period of time, but premiums that have been invested will not be refunded.
How much extra to contribute?
As the employer, you decide how much extra premium your employees will pay each month as their own contribution. Together with your/a pension advisor, determine what is best for you as an employer and your employees.
Pension Agreement
With this new option, BeFrank anticipates the compensation options that will apply under the new Pension Agreement.